Friday 10 February 2012

FYP Week 3 - Component placement, board drilling and soldering for the PIC mainboard

Hello there,

It's time for me to update my latest progress...  :)    I'll continue from my previous post, I've did some drilling and soldering for my PCB. Just to show you guys how the PIC main board looks like..check it out below!

The first attempt was a silly mistake as I have forgotten to mirror the image before printing out the PCB layout on the PCB iron-on paper. So, I have to reproduce the PCB once again following the same procedure as before.

Furthermore, I've also bought a new set of components for the second attempt to make the PCB in order to make sure the components are all in good condition. Sometimes, when we solder and desolder components, we might not realize whether we damage the component by accident. Therefore, to play safe I just bought a new set of components for the 2nd attempt to make the PCB board for the PIC.

 Figure 1: Components used for the PIC main board construction

I did some soldering and a little circuit constructing with my friends at the lab and to be honest the first etching is not much of a success, so I have to redo the PCB for the second time. The first PCB turn out inverted than the original PCB layout image due to my carelessness. So, I redo it again for the second time. So, here's the result.

Figure 2: The first attempt to make the PCB for the PIC main doesn't turn out well

 Figure 3: So I redo the PCB and it looks more organized than the 1st.

Figure 4: Soldering process (back view)

Figure 5: Finished PCB (front view)

So, that's it! The PIC main board is done! For my next post I am thinking on focusing on the temperature sensor (LM35) and relay switch circuit. So, keep in touch and keep on waiting for my updates! See you soon people...... <3



Quote of the day....!!

Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.  ~Robert Frost  <3 <3 <3



Idriah Safriza  :)
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