Friday 30 March 2012

FYP Week 10 - BP research and troubleshooting

Hello peeps,
A very Good Morning everyone... It's a beautiful Friday today...Hope everyone will have a great day!

Part 1: BP research on circuit operation

I have done some reading on the circuit operation of the BP to understand on the basics better. Refer Figure 1 for the block diagram 
  Figure 1: BP Block Diagram

From what I have understood, the BP circuit is split into 3 main stages which are the pressure- sensor driving circuit, Oscillometric Pulse measuring circuit and the Half- wave Rectifier circuit. Refer Figure 2, 3, 4 and 5 for the schematic diagram of each stage.

Figure 2 is the driving circuit for the pressure sensor, where in this project I am using the Honeywell SCC02DN pressure sensor of 0 to 5 psi (approx of 0 to 200mmHg)   :)  The pressure sensor connection is shown in Figure 2 and is labeled in a box/ square.

 Figure 2: 1st stage of pressure- sensor driving circuit

  Figure 3: 2nd stage of  Oscillometric Pulse measuring circuit

  Figure 4: 3rd stage of Half-wave Rectifier circuit

Figure 5, indicates the fully combined circuit of the BP stages from stage 1 to stage 3. It shows, how the circuit begins with the sensor driving circuit and how the signal flows from High Pass Filter (HPF) to Low Pass Filter (LPF) and finally to the rectifier circuit  :)

Figure 5: Combined stages

Part 2: BP construction and troubleshooting

After doing some research and troubleshooting the previous BP circuit, I have come to a decision to slightly modify the BP circuit into a more simplified version......  :D  Later, this BP PCB will be connected to the PIC main board for further testing and troubleshooting. Hopefully it works....hehe

As you can see in Figure 6, this BP circuit is much smaller and compact. However, in order to know whether it works or not, I have to burn the program into the PIC first. Meanwhile, have a look below, to see my masterpiece.. hahaha....!

Figure 6: PCB for BP

From Figure 7, you can see that I'm done with the component placement and soldering. Really sorry for the bad soldering....haha... I really don't have talent in soldering...wink2..   ('.' )v

Figure 7: back view of the PCB

No kidding that this BP circuit is difficult to design and I really hope that this circuit could work. So, now all is left is the Heart rate PCB. Next week I will show my progress on the Heart rate PCB. Till then hope you guys could patiently wait for me....

That's it for today...Going to Pasar Road tomorrow to buy some components for the Heart rate PCB construction...I'll try my best to finish the Heart rate circuit by next week.. See you guys soon..Take care  :)

with lots of luv <3, XOXO


Quote of the day,

The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile.  ~Plato 



Idriah Safriza

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