Friday 9 March 2012

FYP Week 7 - PCB design for Blood Pressure circuit

Moshi Moshi,

It is semester break week...!! I'm on a week holiday...Its so comfortable to stay at home...hehe :) Home sweet home.

So, for this week, I have been working on the Blood Pressure (BP) circuit. It is a bit difficult to find a working circuit that can operates accordingly. I keep on having trouble to find a complete BP circuit. At first I decided to make the BP circuit by referring to the link below: click here to download the pdf 

However after consultation with my supervisor, Madam Zabariah and discussion with the lab engineer, Mr. Faizal, I have come to a decision to make the BP circuit exactly like the BP training board which is available in our Medical lab.

I've attached some images of the training board from our lab for your viewing purposes. This training board is use by the medical students to understand the working operation of the BP circuit. It may look simple but it is very expensive! Here have a look at this link to understand more on the KL-720 Biomedical Measurement System  click here to read more on this product :) 

What is the KL-720 Biomedical Measurement System

 Figure 1: KL-720 full set

  • This equipment is intended for students to learn how to design specific measuring circuits and detect the basic physiological signals with practical operation. 
  • Moreover, students can understand electrical characteristics of sensor and transducer explicitly. 
  • The KL-720 contains nine modules, including Electrocardiogram Measurement, Electromyogram Measurement, Electrooculogram Measurement, Electroencephalogram Measurement, Blood Pressure Measurement, Photoplethysmogram Measurement, Respiratory Ventilation Detection, Pulse Meter and Body Impedance Detection.
  • The sensors and transducers used in this equipment include pressure transducer, infrared photocoupler, strain gauge, temperature sensor and surface electrode.
  • Each module has many test points for changing the frequency bandwidth and amplifier’s gain. Thus students can understand the correlation between physiological signal and each circuit stage.

So, below are the pictures of the KL-75005 Blood Pressure Measurement Module: 

Figure 2: Top View of the Blood Pressure Training Board

Figure 3: Back View of the Blood Pressure Training Board

I had manage to redraw the PCB layout and I have to say it is not easy to trace the PCB board as the lines are so fine and confusing...haha I would like to thank my friend, Sharavanan Shanmugaratnam, for coming all the way from Seremban just to assist me on the PCB layout tracing. Together we manage to redraw the PCB layout faster, but it still took us 4 hours to accomplish it...exhausting.....!! So here you go, the sketches done from the PCB tracing (Sorry for the ugly hand drawing schematic) :p

Figure 4: BP Schematic diagram

So, that is all on my progress for this week. Next, I will be working on the PCB designing and PCB production for the Blood Pressure circuit. Wish me luck....!! Hope to see you guys soon....Take care...

Tata.......................   <3

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Quote of the day....!

The future lies before you, like paths of pure white snow.  Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.  ~Author Unknown



Idriah Safriza Bte Idris Chin  (',' )v

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